13th Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris a major success
From Friday, March 24th, to Saturday, March 25th, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome held the highly celebrated 13th edition of the Global Day of Prayer.
Members of the LoveWorld community could listen to the man of God through the LoveWorld Radio app and watch the live-stream event on popular LoveWorld networks like CeFlix and the Christ Embassy website.
Many previous editions of the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome helped manifest the miracles of God into reality, and this edition was no different.
Here are some of the things that happened in this edition of the Global Day of Prayer:
The opening of the Global Day of Prayer started strongly
To begin with, Pastor Deloa Phillips welcomed the audience to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s Global Day of Prayer. She acknowledged that it was the 13th edition of the event, which started in 2020.
The Global Day of Prayer was initially established to reinforce the word of God in these fragile times since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pastor Deloa Phillips elaborated that the enemies’ works have been exposed, and LoveWorld members have been directed to pray accurately and have results.
“We thank God for the results we have in our prayers which have a tremendous impact on our lives worldwide. It is a privilege to be sent by God as an instrument of change. Glory be to God,” she said.
Pastor Chris: “If you do not follow the Lord, Satan will accommodate you”
Later on, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome began his sermon by thanking God for His service, grace and unconditional love for everyone. He declared to God that all the viewers’ hearts and minds were open to Him and that they were thankful that they could even pray to Him.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome then discussed a quote from the Bible in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, King James Version.
It says: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)”
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” it continues.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained that the word “war” was meant as a military expedition; It is about someone commanding an army and taking control of your destiny.
The pastor then went on to explain that LoveWorld members do not just cast out the devil somewhere. They must have a plan of what to do next. Otherwise, that person or that place will become worse. People everywhere are given the choice of whether to serve God or not, according to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
He also underlined that if LoveWorld members do not follow the Lord, Satan will accommodate them.
“You must cast out the devil so that he may leave you alone. God can see when the devil blinds your mind, so God wants us to pray for all men. If we pray for them, they will stand a chance. They will be able to believe again,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said.