
Published on January 28th, 2020 | by Gabriele Adbbe


Pastor Chris On God’s Consummate Man Prior To February’s Global Communion

What is the message that Pastor Chris has for us about God’s Consummate Man? He asks us to reflect on how God looks at us and what does he think when he sees us. He reminds us that God’s plan is that we are perfect God has made us a master of life and it’s time to step up and begin to live the perfect life that He’s made ready for us to live.

Year of Perfection

A message about perfection

The message expounds that “Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming for a perfect church. One without spots wrinkle or any blemish and this perfecting is by the word until we all come to the full, exact and accurate knowledge of Him. This is what it means to be consummate.”

Explaining the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:14 “I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him,” shows the eternal perfection of God.

Whatever God does is forever as there is a perfection in it. God’s creation is not a little bit good it is especially good. Pastor Chris urges us to have a positive mentality in all things. We need to have pour minds transformed. Romans 12:2, KJV: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Global inspiration during the Rhapathon

Persistent prayers

The miracles that have occurred in this first month of the Year of Perfection are truly magnificent. We have a church with nonstop prayers going out around the globe. This is an unprecedented event and heading a year of wonders. January has been a month of profound revelations. This is set to continue for the entire year.

The Global Rhapathon celebrating the ‘Rhapsody of Realities’ revealed just how far the Gospel has been spread among the nations. It has been a tool used to take over many communities and win souls. It has a united voice that explains the Gospel. It is available in over 2000 languages and the most relevant daily devotional in the world.

From Glory to Glory

Pastor Chris wants us to act like Abraham and not be held by the limitations of the world around us it is what can you see. If you something that you don’t like we should change them. Recalling James 1:4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” He went on to explain that we are growing in knowledge and grace and will come to maturity. This is the consummate man, perfect. Kindly download this message from the ‘Pastor Chris Digital Library.’

With our minds adjusted and focused on the greatness that can be achieved we look forward to the month of February. This Sunday is the Global communion Service and Pastor Chris will reveal the name of the month. It is a truly exciting time to worship together. Watch it on all LoveWorld networks at 5 pm +1 GMT on Sunday, February 2nd.

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