Events Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris: December 2023 Edition

Published on July 10th, 2022 | by Gabriele Adbbe


10th Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris has the huge impact

For all LoveWorld members around the world, the past weekend was tremendous. It cannot be otherwise, as last Friday and Saturday we joined the 10th edition of Global Day of Prayer hosted by our Man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The latest congregation was special due to many reasons. First, let us say this was the tenth edition of the Global Day of Prayer events since its inception in 2020. A huge milestone! A one-time action became a big date for the Christ Embassy churchgoers like ICLC or Praise Night with Pastor Chris.

Another reason why this Global Day of Prayer is special is it concludes the Month of Prayer and Unending Praise. The next time we will get together will be in July — on the Global Communion Service.

As usual, the Global Day of Prayer lasted for two days, from the 24th to the 25th of June. Each day was remarkable as we learned new pieces of wisdom from our Pastor Chris.

We have made tremendous impacts on the Global Day of Prayer

Back in 2020, God came to Pastor Chris and told him how to pray to protect the world from coronavirus. It was a period when the pandemic was at its height. People needed to congregate and talk to the Lord together. Millions of people made their voices heard to eliminate fear, stop the Demon’s plan, and open the world back. The pure power of cohesion with God!

On the first day of the Global Day of Prayer, Pastor Chris said we had done a lot to make our lives as they were before COVID. At the same time, some things could have been done better. Pastor Chris says:

We have made tremendous impacts through prayer. And I said before, had the church been praying like this before now, there would never have been COVID. It would never have happened.

Nevertheless, we have a chance to keep the world from future destruction, and praying is the best way to do so. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome continues:

And to make sure that doesn’t happen again, we’ve got to pray. We’ve got to pray. As long as the Church of Jesus Christ is on this Earth there are things that should not happen. And COVID, and its associated wicked and evil impacts. It’s one of such things that should have never happened.

What is the highest form of prayer? Pastor Chris has answered

There was another important thing we learned from Pastor Chris on the first day. Elaborating on the topic of praying, our Man of God also told us about the highest form of prayer. He said the following:

You know, praise in worship to God is the highest form of prayer, there are different kinds of prayer. But the highest of them all is praise in worship because you can worship God in different ways and about different things, but when you praise Him in your worship — it’s different. And you praise Him with who He is and His mighty works. You identify Him, according to His Word. What did God say He is, who did He say He is, how did he define His own Works. You recognize Him with His own definition and praise Him with His words.

This explanation of Pastor Chris will be valuable for any Christ Embassy member. By understanding the difference between praise and prayer, we can stay even closer to God. In its turn, it will be easier for us to show Him our devotion and love.

“Our prayers are not empty” — the purpose of praying

The main purpose of the Global Day of Prayer was to pray against the coronavirus. But what is praying itself? What does it give us as Christians? The answer of Pastor Chris on the second day of the Global Day of Prayer is enlightening:

Our praying is not a religious ritual or obligation. It’s much more than that. It’s based on a relationship. It’s a living relationship with a living God who called us to pray with the intent of answering. And so, when we pray to God, we know that He hears us, and He answers. So that makes our Prayer time a very special time: a time of fellowship, the Holy Spirit, and the time of working together with Him to advance His course on the Earth.

When we pray, we feel the impact immediately. Praying is vital for various reasons, but one of them is it makes you stronger and gives you moral support. Pastor Chris explains:

You know nothing is good as praying because you see when you pray, you move heavenly powers, angels respond, demons tremble. Our prayers are not empty.

Most often, we can feel the presence of demons by noticing how our thoughts get darker. Thus, the best way to fight them is to pray. When Pastor Chris said that “demons tremble,” he meant they step back giving in to our prayer — our talk to God.

June was rich in big events, as we met each other not only on the Global Day of Prayer, but also on the ICLC 2022, LoveWorld Awards, and Praise Night. Let alone the Global Communion Service that takes place at the beginning of every month. The next one will be very soon, July the 3rd when Pastor Chris reveals the theme of the month.

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