Quotes Pastor Chris Announces December as the 'Month of Thanksgiving'

Published on April 20th, 2023 | by Alberto Krinsky


Pastor Chris: “Be a success for God”

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome recently went through a Bible verse and gave his thoughts on it.

It says: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3: 1-2)

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained that each person is ordained by God to be very successful. But you can not be a success until you know the plan of God for your life, he noted.

“You could be a success for ‘you’ or for those cheering you on, but being a success for God is what counts. Success for ‘you’ means achieving your goals and dreams,” the pastor added.

He further explained that success for the world means that you have fulfilled the dreams and expectations that the world has prepared for you. But these are not true successes, according to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. True success means that you have achieved the goals and dreams of God.

The pastor then went on to say that success in life means that your accomplishments are based on the calling, vision, dreams and plans of God. Furthermore, he explained that things always must be done in the way of God, not the way of man.

“You measure success at different points in your life. In academics, for example, if you were in class one and were successful in your exams, that is success in that class, not class two or three,” he said.

“Someone else who is in class two or three will be measured accordingly. When you get to a higher class, you will again be rated by the corresponding standards and requirements of your class. So, success is relative,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome added.

Pastor Chris: “You should always ask yourself: Is this what God wants?

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome then revealed a question that people should always ask themselves.

“Be determined that at different stages of your life, you will be very successful in line with the plans of God for your life. The most important thing to you should always be: What does God want? What does He think?”

“That is the only way you can know whether you are successful. And remember, His will, plan and purpose will always be consistent with His Word—the scriptures,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome added.

“There are many who do not care to know what God thinks. Some do not even think that God has an individual plan for their lives to caring for them, but the truth is, He does,” the pastor explained.

He further explained that God not only cares, He has a plan that is not only communicable but one that can and must be actuated.

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