Billions anticipate Pastor Chris’ Healing Streams Live Healing Services this July
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and the Healing School’s Healing Streams Live Healing Services make a tremendous comeback. The largest healing crusade in the world takes place from Friday, July the 29th, till Sunday, July the 31st.
The live broadcast will be available on all LoveWorld TV channels and digital platforms daily at 3 PM GMT+1.
This is the moment when our Man of God, Pastor Chris will heal the sick regardless of the disease.
There are seventeen days to go until one of the epochal events of the year, but registration is already open.
Healing Streams have a huge impact on the world. As Healing School’s official website states, billions of people experienced irrevocable transformations in their lives. Nothing can be changed and now, they stepped into a glorious new life of divine health, prosperity, and wholeness.
Jesus has the power to heal
Healing Streams is not just a special program to get rid of health problems. This is a priceless opportunity to see that people can heal on their own with the power of God.
The Bible addresses the topics of health and healing many times. One of the well-known verses about it is Matthew 4:23. Pastor Chris elaborates on the verse’s idea in a Daily Devotional titled “Power to heal.” He says:
“Jesus gave us the power to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease; not some manner, but ALL. So, it makes no difference what the case is; you have the power to heal it.”
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people — Matthew 4:23
Therefore, whether it is physical or mental — the kind of disease does not matter. Jesus can heal everything. Sometimes, it is hard to believe and understand it. That is why Pastor Chris is here. During the Healing Streams Live Healing Services, he shows that God has the power to cure everyone. If it is still tough, our Man of God helps the sick by touching them. One simple touch is enough to start a new chapter in life without pain, suffering, and misery.
Man can hear after Healing Streams Live Healing Services
Healing Streams Live Healing Services has always been a turning point for many people. The same is true for Nelson, a 59-year-old martial artist from Toronto, Canada,
Nelson has been into martial arts for years, which caused severe problems with hearing. Many years of training led to losing 90% of his hearing on his right side.
Things started changing when Nelson and his wife met a woman at the shopping mall. The woman told them about the Healing Streams with Pastor Chris, and Nelson decided to visit the event personally. He shares:
“I came down by myself. After a little bit of a while, through worship with Pastor Chris, I started feeling a vibration in my chest. But I kept hearing a strange sound in my right ear. And I’m thinking to myself, who is yelling in my ear? Because I don’t hear in my right ear. But I kept hearing somebody yelling in my right ear which kind of woke me up a bit and I turned to the right which was my Pastor Godlove who was speaking to me in tongues, And I’m like, “Why are you yelling in my ear?” And then I realized he is yelling in my ear. And I could hear him yelling in my ear.”
The joy got control over Nelson’s body. He sprung up and started dancing and jumping right away. By continuing his story, Nelson goes ahead:
And this is all because Jesus Christ’s power came through Pastor Chris through the screen to me; to me.
Healing to the Nations
What happened to Nelson deeply impressed him. Addressing Pastor Chris, he said:
“God bless you for all people that you’ve touched. And God has manifested Himself in me and made me a better man and made me a man of Christ and that’s through you. So, please do not stop what you’re doing.”
No doubt, Pastor Chris will not stop, and there will be more of Christ’s followers who were suffering but will become healed. This is what the Healing Streams is for.
Will the upcoming Healing Streams Live Healing Services be more massive than before? Well, the last program in March was joined by 6.7 billion people around the globe. It is a good sign for Pastor Chris — we need him, and we need to stay closer with God. It is impossible to fulfill this desire to the end. Thus, people will keep going to these events and more new souls will join them in the future.