October’s memorable moments for the LoveWorld Ministry
The LoveWorld Ministry bids goodbye to October, which Pastor Chris named the month of Peace. Our team decided to recall all the important events which took place this month. We will also remember Pastor Chris’ messages about how the Scripture mentions the idea of peace.
During the last Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris, our man of God highlighted the importance for us to gain peace:
“God doesn’t want us to be anxious, to have anxiety about anything. When you find yourself having anxiety, you’re walking away from the Word of God, you’re walking into Satan’s arena where he can take advantage of you.”
The name of peace for October comes from the New Testament. According to Pastor Chris, Paul the Apostle called God the God of peace in Philippians 4:9:
“He called our God the God of peace — that’s who He is. And the God of peace will be with you.”
After revealing the theme, Pastor Chris explained why Christians should focus on peace. Our man of God also talked about the aftermath for those who live without peace:
“This month of October is the month of Peace, and this is commanding peace. This is peace from God. A lot of God’s people have never given attention to what the Word says about peace and how to live in peace not only just to experience it, but to carry that atmosphere everywhere you go,” the Pastor says and continues:
“There are those who live in chaos. Their minds are constantly troubled. And yet, the Bible tells us we’re not supposed to live that way.”
Pastor Chris: declare peace
During the Communion Service, our man of God defined the main tasks for the LoveWorld Ministry for October:
“This month, you’re going to prophecize peace, release peace because you have peace inside you, and we have to fill the world with our peace. This is the month of Peace. And we are pouring out peace to the ends of the earth. Peace by the power of the Holy Ghost. We have it inside — it’s time to bring it out by the Holy Ghost that dwells in us. We’re gonna make it happen this month.”
Then, our man of God continued giving instructions:
“Every day, declare peace — peace to your city, peace to your state, peace to your nation in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus. Let me tell you, if we release peace, it shall be so; it shall be so everywhere. We’re children of peace. We serve the God of peace.”
By the end of the part, Pastor Chris talked about the Epistle to the Philippians again:
“I told you, in the Bible, in the New Testament, Jesus Christ and the Father are called the God of peace more than any other title; more than God of love, God of faith, God of anything. Peace is attributed to them, to the Father and the Son, more than any other title. Isn’t that instructive? That’s how much He wants us to live in peace.”
The LoveWorld Ministry events during the month of Peace
The congregation will remember October thanks to several big events. The month started with celebrating 1000 days of Pray-A-Thon with Pastor Chris.
Pray-A-Thon is a continuous chain of 15-minute prayers running daily since 2020. To celebrate its 1000th day in a row, LoveWorld members created special avatars, shared them on KingsChat, and wrote their stories about the initiative.
The next big event was Your LoveWorld Specials Season 6 Phase 3. On the program’s first day, Pastor Chris returned to the theme of October. Our man of God pointed out how John 14:27 says God gave us peace and made us custodians of peace:
“Have you accepted this peace? He gave you peace! You want to say, ‘I’ve got the peace of God. I have it. I’m a custodian of peace.’ That’s amazing!”
Then, Pastor Chris continued and read Matthew 10:11. The verse guides us to release peace when we visit another house. Pastor Chris noted Bible is talking not about God’s peace but ours because we are custodians of peace.
By the end of October, KingsChat CeFlix Social Media Week 2022 + Bootcamp & Tech Expo took place. Three main topics were current digital trends, technological progress, and challenges social media faces now. Online experts and activists helped participants understand how to win more souls in the digital realm.
KingsChat CeFlix Social Media Week was also full of inspiring quotes from LoveWorld pastors:
“We take on and address lies as social media protagonists, activists, and evangelists,” — Pastor Deola Phillips.
“We must not compromise our standards but be on top of our game by understanding our tools and our audience,” — Pastor Tony Ikeokwu
“Our platforms guide you to declare peace and maximize your position on the Word,” — Pastor Oge Oketunji
Read more about the event in our previous article.