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Published on September 24th, 2024 | by Alberto Krinsky


Pastor Chris teaching: Overcoming Distractions

In a recent teaching, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome highlighted the importance of maintaining focus as a believer. He urged Christians to lay aside distractions and remain dedicated to their spiritual journey.

This message is particularly vital in today’s world, where so many things can pull a person away from their purpose in Christ. According to Pastor Chris, distractions come in many forms, but believers must set their hearts and minds on God’s Word, refusing to be swayed from their divine calling.

The Heavy Cloak of Condemnation

During one of his sermons, Pastor Chris explained the impact of self-condemnation. He pointed out how people allow past mistakes or negative opinions of others to define them, hindering their walk with God. Using a relatable example, Pastor Chris shared the story of a brother who was fired from his job for a mistake and has since been carrying the weight of shame. The brother constantly prayed for forgiveness, but every time he tried to worship, he was reminded of his error.

Pastor Chris emphasized that this kind of condemnation distracts from the true purpose God has for our lives. He encouraged believers to drop this heavy cloak of guilt and focus on who they are in Christ. He said, “There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,” reminding the congregation that their identity is not tied to past mistakes but to their position in Christ.

Pastor Chris on Refusing Distraction

One of the key points Pastor Chris made in his teaching was the necessity of refusing distractions. Whether it’s a mistake, a failure, or even other people’s opinions, distractions can derail a believer from fulfilling their divine purpose. Pastor Chris explained, “Some people define their entire lives based on one wrong decision or what others say about them.” He urged believers to break free from these negative thoughts and fix their eyes on Jesus.

In this world, distractions come in many forms—financial worries, health concerns, or societal pressures. Pastor Chris teaches that staying focused on the Word of God is the only way to rise above these distractions. Hebrews 12:1-2 states, “Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” This passage reflects the heart of Pastor Chris’s message: focus on Christ and refuse to let the burdens of the world hold you back.

Pastor Chris: Perfecting the Saints

Another profound insight from Pastor Chris’s teaching was about the role of the church in a believer’s life. He made it clear that the church is not for perfect people; instead, it is a place where believers are perfected. This is a crucial understanding for anyone who feels unworthy or ashamed because of past actions. Pastor Chris humorously noted that no church could ever be perfect because imperfect people, like all of us, are in it.

He encouraged Christians to come to church, no matter their flaws because it is the place where God works on them. “If you’ve made a mistake, the church is where you should go for healing and restoration, not where you run from,” Pastor Chris said. His message was clear: don’t let guilt or shame keep you from growing in Christ. The church is a place for perfecting the imperfect.

Pastor Chris on Living a Heavenly Life

Pastor Chris also taught the concept of living in Christ, emphasizing that once a person is born again, they no longer belong to this world. Quoting John 15:19, Pastor Chris reminded believers that they are not of this world but citizens of heaven. This means living by a different set of principles, refusing to conform to the ways of the world.

He further encouraged believers to live like the heroes of faith, such as Abraham, who lived as a stranger in this world, seeking a better, heavenly country. Pastor Chris said, “We are citizens of heaven. Our lives are governed by heavenly principles, not the world’s systems.” This mindset helps believers stay focused on their divine assignment and not get caught up in the distractions of this world.

Focus on God’s Word

In his teachings, Pastor Chris continually stresses the power of the Word of God in a believer’s life. He teaches that the Word is not only a guide but a source of strength. According to Pastor Chris, focusing on God’s Word allows believers to overcome the distractions that seek to derail their progress. By setting their minds on spiritual truths, they can rise above the noise and chaos of the world.

Pastor Chris referenced Philippians 3:20, which says, “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” This scripture underlines the importance of staying focused on heavenly matters. Pastor Chris teaches that when believers understand their position in Christ and live according to the Word, distractions lose their power.

Conclusion: A Life of Focus and Victory

Pastor Chris’s message on avoiding distractions is one of empowerment. By shedding the weight of guilt, refusing to be defined by past mistakes, and focusing on God’s Word, believers can walk in victory. Pastor Chris reminds us that we are in Christ, and in Him, we find our purpose and strength. He calls on Christians to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, and to trust that, through His guidance, they will fulfil their divine calling.

As believers apply these teachings, they will find that distractions no longer have the power to hold them back. Instead, they will walk confidently in the grace and favor that God has already provided, living a life of victory and purpose.

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