Quotes Pastor Chris Oyakhilome answering questions on forgiveness, confession, and accountability during a live session, sharing divine wisdom for believers.

Published on February 19th, 2023 | by Alberto Krinsky


Pastor Chris and colleagues answer questions from believers

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is always ready to answer questions from members of the LoveWorld community.

Sometimes, he has also invited some of his pastor colleagues to share some of their profound insights.

These are some of the questions they received:

What is the difference between doing the word and obeying the word?

One of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s devoted followers, Frendson from Mozambique, asked this:

“Dear pastor, please explain the difference between doing the word and obeying the word.”

The director of the Healing School, Pastor Deloa Phillips, gave this answer: “Doing the word is what the child of God practices. As different from obeying the word as an external influence. We are born of the word and see ourselves as God’s word. And what we see we do.”

“We do what we see in the Bible. We continue in it. That is different from the word coming to you from the outside for you to obey. We do the word because we are born of the word. We see ourselves in the word and we continue in it,” she said.

“How can we upgrade our level of prayer?”

Another enthusiastic follower asked the following question: “Hello dear pastor. How can I upgrade my level of prayer? I cannot pray!”

A fellow colleague of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Pastor Lanre Proffers, took the initiative to answer the question.

He said: “Prayer is a communication with God, a fellowship with God, and one of the things that certainly would hinder or limit a man’s ability to pray is if he stops studying the word of God. Because in studying God’s word, you get to know or hear the person you are praying to, the person you are fellowshipping with.”

He then went on by explaining that “if you cannot pray, it is proof that you have deviated or are alien to God’s word. Once you begin to study the word of God again… If you are born again, mainly if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your prayer level will move from one degree of glory to a higher one. So, get back into the word; that would be my recommendation.”

Pastor Chris: “Prayer is born of a relationship with God”

Immediately after Pastor Lanre Proffers finished his thorough explanation, Rev. Tom Proffers chimed in and expanded on this exact point: “If this man says, ‘I cannot pray,’ he needs to receive the Holy Spirit number one!”

“You should get the book ‘How to Pray Effectively.’ You would not have gone so far into the book; you would find yourself praying because you would understand why we should pray. The next thing is to get involved in prayer times. The man of God releases prayer posts for us to pray three times a week,” he said.

He summed up by declaring the viewers and listeners at home to “get involved in congregational prayers. This will help you immerse yourself in that corporate function and learn more about how to pray.”

After listening to his fellow pastors share their answers, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome concluded by saying: “Remember, when it is prayer time in church, do not be looking around. Some people just look around when others are praying.”

“Prayer should be born of your relationship with God. So, what do you want to see? You have already seen a lot before the prayer time, and you can see after the prayer time. So, during prayer time, pray. It is essential,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained.


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