Pastor Chris declares April to be the Month of Lights
At the April edition of the Global Communion Service on Sunday, April 2nd, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome called on April to be the Month of Lights.
“We are going to light up the darkness everywhere. A blaze for God is shining and burning everywhere,” he said.
“I am a shining and burning light by the power and spirit of God; in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am changing my words. I have words in me that can effect changes, and I will honor them,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome added.
The founder of Christ Embassy continued by saying: “God says that the sword of the spirit is the rammer of God. Declare that I am effective in the name of the Lord Jesus. Declare that from wherever you are in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Since you are a burning light emitting energy, you can affect change. Release words within the realm of the spirit,” the pastor explained.
A look back at Pastor Chris’ Global Day of Prayer
Welcoming April as the Month of Light also means saying goodbye to March, the Month of Favor.
In March, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome held the Healing Streams Live Healing Services and a Global Day of Prayer, among other events.
In the opening of his sermon at the Global Day of Prayer, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome thanked God for His mercy, grace and unwavering love for everyone. He told God that everyone watching was grateful that they could even pray to Him and that their hearts and brains were open to Him.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome then went through a quote from the Bible in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
It says: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;).”
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ,” it continues.
The word “war” refers to a military operation, according to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. It is about someone controlling an army and seizing control of your destiny.
The option of choosing to serve God
The pastor continued by saying that LoveWorld members need to have a strategy before they can cast out the devil. If not, that person or that location will only get worse. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome asserted that everyone has the option of choosing to serve God or not.
He also emphasized that Satan would make accommodations for LoveWorld followers if they do not obey the Lord.
“You must cast out the devil so he may leave you alone. God can see when the devil blinds your mind, so God wants us to pray for all men. If we pray for them, they will stand a chance, and they will be able to believe again,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said.