A Special Declaration by Pastor Chris Pastor Chris Declares March as the Month of Fountains - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Events

News Pastor Chris Declares March as the Month of Fountains

Published on March 4th, 2025 | by Alberto Krinsky


Pastor Chris Declares March as the Month of Fountains

A Special Declaration by Pastor Chris

During the March Global Communion Service, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome made a powerful declaration, naming this month the Month of Fountains. He shared deep spiritual insights about our oneness with the Holy Spirit and how this divine connection empowers us.

Referencing 2 Corinthians 13:14, Pastor Chris explained that the Holy Spirit is not just with us but actively working through us. This interaction is more than just fellowship—it is a divine exchange where we pour forth like fountains, allowing God’s power to flow through us in prayer, worship, and daily life.

The Communion of the Holy Spirit

Pastor Chris emphasized that the word “communion” signifies both oneness and contribution. This means we offer something, and the Holy Spirit gives something in return. He reminded the congregation that Jesus called the Holy Spirit our Helper—someone who strengthens and empowers us.

This divine partnership makes us victorious. As Pastor Chris put it, “We win all the time. You can’t beat us.” With the Holy Spirit, we are fountains of living waters, continuously overflowing with God’s presence and power.

Pastor Chris on Deep Spiritual Prayers

One of the key messages from Pastor Chris was the depth of prayer that comes through communion with the Holy Spirit. He referenced Romans 8:26-27, where the Bible speaks of the Spirit making intercession through us with groanings that cannot be uttered.

At this level of prayer, it becomes difficult to tell who is praying—you or the Holy Spirit. Pastor Chris described it as a moment where words pour forth like water, a divine overflow where the Spirit Himself speaks through us. This is what it means to be a fountain—yielding entirely to God’s power and allowing Him to manifest through us.

A Month to Overflow in the Spirit

March, the Month of Fountains, is a time to let the Holy Spirit pour through you in prayer, worship, and life’s daily encounters. Pastor Chris encouraged believers to engage deeply in spiritual exercises, praying in tongues and allowing God’s Spirit to flow through them.

This month is an opportunity to experience divine abundance. As we yield to the Spirit, we become vessels through which God’s power is released into the world. It is a time of supernatural outpouring, where we pour forth as fountains of living water.

Experience More with Healing Streams

As we step into this prophetic season, another powerful event is on the horizon—the March 2025 Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. From March 14th to 16th, believers worldwide will witness extraordinary demonstrations of God’s healing power.

Just as this month is about divine overflow, Healing Streams will bring a mighty outpouring of miracles, signs, and wonders. Pastor Chris has always emphasized that God’s power knows no boundaries—healing can take place anywhere, at any time.

Prepare for an extraordinary time of divine transformation. To participate, visit http://healingstreams.tv/zone/RMB and register for the upcoming Healing Streams event.

March is the Month of Fountains. Let the Holy Spirit flow through you, filling your life with His power and glory.

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