Pastor Chris declares May to be the Month of Praise
“While I was praying and asking the Lord about the month of May, I was quite fascinated that He said that the month of May is the Month of Praise. Amazing,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said as he welcomed the new month.
It happened at the monthly Global Communion Service, which took place on Sunday, May 1st.
The pastor names each month and every year and presents the new month’s theme at the Global Communion Service every first Sunday of the month.
“You know, last year, the month of August was the Month of Praise, but He tells us that this month is a Month of Praise, and I got excited about it because we are even going to be preparing all of those songs that we are going to be singing in June, unending praise. So, we are getting ready. Make sure your church is getting ready. Make sure that you are going to have a part of this because it takes thousands, many many thousands of groups to get this done. And we will be preparing,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said.
He even revealed what will come after the Month of Praise.
“The month of June is usually our Month of Prayer. If you have been careful to observe, you would notice that every year, the month of June is a Month of Prayer. So, this coming month of June is going to be a Month of Prayer with a difference. So, throughout the month of June, we will have unending praise,” he stated.
June will, therefore, become the Month of Prayer with Unending Praise.
Global Prayer and Fasting with Pastor Chris
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome also unveiled what will come after June.
“After June, I will tell you what will follow. After June, we will enter the phase of unending praise to the rapture of the church. Somebody shout, ‘hallelujah,’’ he said.
A lot of announcements were made at the May Global Communion Service.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is also initiating a week of Global Prayer and Fasting, which begins today, Monday, May 2nd and runs until and including Sunday, May 8th.
Every day, LoveWorld members will be fasting from 6 AM to 6 PM, but Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is okay with people ending the fasting earlier for various reasons.
At 6 PM every day, he is holding a prayer session.
Leaving behind the Month for Watching and Praying
When Pastor Chris Oyakhilome welcomed May, the Month of Praise, we also parted ways with April, the Month for Watching and Praying.
“This month, like six months ago, is the ‘Month for Watching and Praying.’ Meditate on these verses that I read to you. Meditate on them. You have to learn how to watch in the spirit. If you do not know the scriptures, then it will be difficult for you to watch. What are you going to be watching for? And what are you going to be watching with?” the pastor asked at the April Global Communion Service and added:
“It is through the knowledge of God’s word that you watch because then you look at your word, and you can interpret the word with the word of God. You can interpret circumstances, you can interpret things that are happening in the world with the knowledge of the word of God. So, you know, the time in which you live, the day in which you live, and how God wants you to live. So, this month, pay close attention to God’s word like never before. Watch and pray.”
Towards the end of the service in April, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome emphasized why it is essential to pray.
“Give attention to prayer by praying. He says, ‘watch and pray always.’ We saw that in Saint Luke’s gospel. Pray always that you may be accounted worthy to skip all of these things that come upon the world. Pray always. Be a prayerful man. Be a prayerful woman. Every child of God should be prayerful,” he explained.
Pastor Chris: “No evil shall before you”
Like Pastor Chris Oyakhilome mentioned, he had encouraged his congregation to watch and pray before.
That happened in November 2021 when it was the ‘Month to Watch and Pray.’
“This month of November is a special month for you. You will walk in manyfold blessings. No evil shall before you. The Lord is your protection, your protector, your strength and strengthener, your salvation everywhere you go,” he stated in November.
“Glory is at work in you. You walk in wisdom in the name of the Lord Jesus. You would know what to do at every point. You have solution because you are a solution in the name of the Lord Jesus. You are the glory of Christ,” he added.