In an inspiring moment during the October 2024 Global Communion S..." /> Pastor Chris Declares October 2024 as the Month of Excellence - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Events

Events Pastor Chris Global Communion Service Month of Excellence

Published on October 7th, 2024 | by Alberto Krinsky


Pastor Chris Declares October 2024 as the Month of Excellence

In an inspiring moment during the October 2024 Global Communion Service, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome declared October as the “Month of Excellence.

As we transitioned from September, the Month of Conquerors, this new declaration sets a fresh focus for believers worldwide. Now, three months from the close of the Year of Redemption, the message of excellence comes at a timely moment, urging us to walk in the spirit of excellence in all we do.

Pastor Chris shared an uplifting message during the event, reminding us of our identity as God’s chosen people. “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God’s own purchased special people,” he said.

This calling to excellence is not just about what we do but about who we are in Christ. Pastor Chris emphasized that every believer is called to display the virtues and perfections of God, walking in excellence as a way of life.

Entering the Month of Excellence with Pastor Chris

September was the Month of Conquerors, a time of victory, during which believers focused on overcoming challenges and stepping into God’s promises. Pastor Chris reminded us that we conquered through Christ, and now, as we enter the Month of Excellence, we are called to a higher standard of living.

Excellence, as Pastor Chris explained, is not just about success or achievement. It is about living in alignment with God’s will and reflecting His glory in everything we do. “You have an excellent spirit,” Pastor Chris declared, calling believers to refuse anything that does not align with their God-given destiny. In this new month, believers are encouraged to think excellent thoughts, speak excellent words, and practice excellence in every area of life.

The Importance of the Global Communion Service

The Global Communion Service, led by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, is a monthly event where believers around the world come together to partake in the Holy Communion and receive divine direction for the new month. These services are moments of deep spiritual connection, where Pastor Chris delivers prophetic words that set the tone for the month ahead.

During each Global Communion Service, Pastor Chris shares revelations from the Word of God, providing guidance on how believers should live and what they should expect in the coming month. These services are also an opportunity for believers to unite in faith, receiving grace and strength for the journey ahead. Pastor Chris’s declarations during these services carry prophetic significance, as believers are encouraged to take hold of the Word and apply it to their daily lives.

Pastor Chris Encourages Us to Walk in Excellence

Throughout the October Global Communion Service, Pastor Chris emphasized that excellence is a calling for every believer. He referenced scriptures such as 1 Peter 2:9, reminding us that we are called to display God’s excellencies. “You are called to walk in excellence,” Pastor Chris said, encouraging believers to refuse mediocrity and embrace a life of excellence.

He also highlighted the importance of speaking excellent things and thinking excellent thoughts. “I will speak of excellent things,” Pastor Chris proclaimed, emphasizing that our words should reflect the excellence we carry within.

He urged believers to guard their lips and avoid speaking foolishness. Instead, we are to use our words to declare the excellent things of God, aligning our speech with His divine will.

Living in Time and Eternity

One of Pastor Chris’s key teachings during the service was the concept of living in both time and eternity. He explained that as believers, we are called to operate in both realms simultaneously. “Learn to live in time and in eternity at the same time,” Pastor Chris taught. This means that while we live in this world, we must also be conscious of our eternal purpose and calling.

Pastor Chris urged believers to discover their purpose in life and to walk in the light of that purpose. He emphasized that we should not allow things that are inconsistent with our destiny to have any place in our lives. “Refuse to permit things that are not consistent with your Aeon,” he said, calling believers to practice excellence and align their lives with God’s plan.

Walking in Excellence: A Daily Practice

As we move forward into this Month of Excellence, Pastor Chris encouraged believers to make excellence a daily practice. He taught that excellence is not just a one-time act but a way of life that requires constant attention and effort. “You have to practice it,” Pastor Chris said, reminding us that excellence must be cultivated through intentional living.

This message of excellence is timely, as it comes during the final months of the Year of Redemption. Pastor Chris’s teachings remind us that we are not just living for the present moment but for eternity. Every action thought, and Word should reflect the excellence of Christ in us.

Embrace the Month of Excellence

As Pastor Chris has declared, October 2024 is the Month of Excellence. This is a time for believers to rise above mediocrity and embrace the calling to live a life that reflects God’s glory. Through Pastor Chris’s teachings, we are reminded that excellence is not just about achieving success but about walking in alignment with God’s will and displaying His virtues.

As we enter this new month, let us heed the call to excellence in every area of our lives. Whether in our thoughts, words, or actions, we are called to reflect God’s excellencies, living with purpose and grace in both time and eternity.

God bless you!

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