Published on May 30th, 2023 | by Alberto Krinsky
0Pastor Chris on Global Ministers’ Classroom participants: “They will become more effective ambassadors for Christ”
The fifth edition of the Global Ministers’ Classroom is scheduled to start on Friday, June 2nd, at 2 PM GMT+1 and will end on Saturday, June 3rd, with a special plenary session with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
A live broadcast of the event will be available on all major global networks, including LoveWorld and ISM. Registration is available on the Global Ministers’ Classroom’s website.
The 24-hour program promises to be the most impactful edition yet, and Pastor Chris Oyakhilome invites all ministry leaders, pastors and other church workers to join.
In the past, millions of ministers have participated in the event and benefitted from powerful teachings and inspiring testimonies.
Pastor Chris: “Every minister of God must be prayerful”
Ahead of the Global Ministers’ Classroom, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has explained how attendees can prepare for the event.
“With our hands lifted up, let us offer sacrifices of praise with our confessions, declarations, psalms, hymns and spiritual songs of the glory, grace and goodness of God, that we lavishly enjoy before, during and after the 2023 Global Ministers’ Classroom,” he said.
In his explanation, the pastor also went through 1 Peter 2:5, which says, “Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained that every minister of God must be prayerful. That is where you get revelation, insight and direction, according to him.
“What God thinks about your work is what matters – not what men say. Men may praise you but does God?” he asked.
The pastor also instructed people to pray and thank God for all minsters that will participate in the Global Ministers’ Classroom.
“Declare that as a result of their experience with God and His word at the program, they will become more effective ambassadors for Christ, reaching out and taking the good news of divine life everywhere they go,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained.
Global Ministers’ Classroom participant: “We are expecting a lot from the Holy Spirit”
Many attendees of the upcoming Global Ministers’ Classroom have shared their excitement about the program on social media.
One of them is Pastor Rana Daoud from Syria.
“We are waiting and expecting a lot from the Holy Spirit. We expect strong faith, and we are expecting miracles. We are expecting a new level of boldness, salvation and the pouring of righteousness within our nations,” she said.
“Many are coming, many are watching, and many of them will know Jesus through this classroom. Do not miss out on this glorious occasion,” she added.
Evangelist Dora Rodriguez from Sukkot Ministries in Brazil also spoke highly of the Global Ministers’ Classroom.
“We will surely learn a lot from this glorious event and so much more from Pastor Chris. We must view ourselves as ministers of God. So, prepare your spirit to receive more,” she stated.
“Be ready to receive divine energy and wisdom from the man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and his incredible team of teachers,” she added.