Events Pastor Chris's Global Miracle Faith Seminar

Published on August 15th, 2023 | by Alberto Krinsky


Pastor Chris’s Healing Journey: Global Miracle Faith Seminar

Get ready for an extraordinary event on August 26th as Pastor Chris Oyakhilome hosts the Global Miracle Faith Seminar.

This virtual seminar offers an opportunity to reconnect with the transformative power of healing and faith.

The Global Miracle Faith Seminar serves as a platform for those whose lives have been transformed by Pastor Chris’s healing ministry.

During this event, Pastor Chris will reflect on previous editions of the Healing Streams and participate in meaningful discussions with individuals who have encountered extraordinary healing journeys.

The seminar is scheduled for Saturday, August 26th, 2023, starting at noon GMT+1.

You can now register on the Healing Streams website.

Pastor Chris and the Power of Healing Testimonies

Pastor Chris’ dedication to healing is connected to these remarkable healing testimonies that bring hope to believers worldwide.

Let these incredible stories inspire you, revealing the true power of faith and God’s unwavering love.

Wisdom Augustine, a believer from Nigeria, shared a powerful testimony of his healing during the Healing Streams Live Program led by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in March 2022.

Struggling with a spiritual condition causing sleepless nights due to demonic attacks, Wisdom found instant relief during the program.

Pastor Chris’s words held transformative power, bringing about immediate healing.

“I’m so happy and want to thank God specially for this testimony and also thank my exceptional Pastor. I love you dearly, Pastor Sir, for your liquid love,” he testified.

Wisdom’s testimony showcases Pastor Chris’s spiritual authority and the impact of faith. Through Pastor Chris’s ministry, individuals like Wisdom find liberation and restoration. 

This highlights the global influence of Pastor Chris’s mission.

“Praise the Lord, Hallelujah”

Henrietta Joels from Nigeria radiates joy and gratitude as she shares her miraculous testimony.

After an antenatal visit in November 2021, Henrietta faced alarming sugar levels during an Oral Glucose Test (OGTTS), requiring urgent admission.

She refused immediate hospitalization and turned to Pastor Chris’s teachings and the Healing Stream Live Service.

Through faith and confessions, her sugar levels normalized, defying medical expectations. 

Henrietta’s story exemplifies the power between faith and healing, demonstrating the impact of Pastor Chris’s ministry.

“I am perfectly healed. Thank you, Jesus’ glory be to God. I love you, Pastor, “he said.

“Thanks to all Healing School partners”

Rosemary Aboh from Nigeria shares her incredible testimony of healing.

Through the Healing Streams Live Healing Stream with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, she found relief from a 15-year asthmatic cough and Bell’s palsy tension.

Pastor Chris’s ministry brought impactful change. Her persistent cough was reduced after prayer from Evang Dr. Eddy Owase. 

On October 29th, the tension disappeared as Pastor Chris ministered, bringing her healing and peace.

“I am normal, completely healed. There is peace in my whole body. I am grateful to God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Pastor Chris, for accepting the call and making me to Love God, for making me understand the word of God; I’m grateful, Sir. Thanks to Evang Dr. Eddy Owase (I’m shouting I’m Alive) and Rev Ray Okocha, “she said.

Watch more testimonies in the video below.



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