Registrations for Pastor Chris’ Healing Streams Live Healing Services are open
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and the Healing School’s Healing Streams Live Healing Services are finally back from Friday, March 18th to Sunday, March 20th.
The broadcast will be aired on all LoveWorld tv channels and digital platforms daily at 6 PM GMT+1.
During that weekend, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome will heal people who are suffering from various diseases and pains, like he has done at previous Healing Streams Healing Services sessions.
The Healing School promises that the event “will show the world that Jesus is alive; He’s still doing good, healing the sick and the oppressed, and the good news of divine life in Christ will be made manifest to billions across the globe.”
You can register for the Healing Streams Live Healing Services on the Healing School’s website. There, you can also host a virtual healing center.
Woman can now walk because of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services
In 2021, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and the Healing School presented three Healing Streams Live Healing Services, each one more powerful than the other.
The most recent one was held from Friday, October 29th to Sunday, October 31st, 2021, where billions tuned in to follow the events unfold.
After the broadcast, many of the participants testified to how they were healed during the Healing Streams Live Healing Services.
One of the ones who received healing was a Kenyan woman who could not stand or walk without feeling pain. She was healed when she watched Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s program and is now able to stand, walk bend and jump without problems.
“When pastor was praying for people all around the world, and he told people to stretch their hands towards him if they could not reach the screen, I told her to lay her hands on the television,” her friend said and continued:
“She moved, and she laid hands on the television. Then, pastor spoke of the spine injuries and that the pain needs to go. She moved her hand from the television and put it where she felt the pain. She told me afterwards that she felt a cold sensation through her body, and the pain disappeared.”
Pastor Chris heals the sick
A man who had difficulty walking because one of his legs was longer than the other also testified to how he received his healing at the session in October.
“I received my healing. I remember feeling a cold sensation in the bottom of my feet, and now, I can walk straight. Glory to God. I am so grateful to Pastor Chris,” he explained.
As Pastor Chris Oyahkilome healed people in October, he said the following:
“All that pain is departing now. In the name of Jesus, I command the demons of infirmity to come out, you devils of darkness. Everywhere that they can hear the sound of my voice, I demand you to come out of their bodies right now in the name of Jesus Christ.”
“Come out of them in Jesus’ name! And return to them no more. Let them go. I command the migraine headaches to cease, the diabetes to go. Just out your hand wherever you want that miracle,” the pastor added.