The countdown to Pastor Chris’ birthday has begun
For days, Christ Embassy members from around the world have been counting down to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s birthday.
On Monday, December 7th, the Nigerian religious leader turns 57, and his followers are already congratulating him on Twitter and thanking him for his work.
His congregation has, for instance, thanked him for his teachings, humanitarian acts, healing miracles, Global Days of Prayer and blessings.
It is unknown how Chris Oyakhilome will celebrate his birthday, but it is certain that he will appear at today’s Global Communion Service.
There, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome will present the theme of December – the last theme of the Year of Perfection.
Pastor Chris leading the way
Every year, the LoveWorld Ministry has a theme and every month has one too. In this Year of Perfection, February was the Month of Songs, March was the Month of Knowledge, April was the Month of Continuing Fasting and Praying, May was the Month of Opening, June was the Month of Prayer, July was the Month of Productivity, August was the Month of Recovery, September was the Month of Wisdom, October was the Month of Proclamation, and November was the Month of Praise.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has led his congregation through a year where the entire world was severely hit by the coronavirus, forcing societies into lockdowns, turning people’s lives upside down and impoverishing millions of people.
In March, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Pastor Benny Hinn hosted their first of four Global Days of Prayer against COVID-19, and the event became an unprecedented success. Three billion viewers followed the show from their computers, tablets or phones.
“In the presence of God in prayer, your faith rises”
On June 26th, Pastor Chris held another Global Day of Prayer where his congregation utilized what they had learned during the months of praying in the spring.
“Today will be even more significant. We will begin, pray now into tomorrow, Saturday. We call it a day of prayer. The first one was to initiate what we wanted to do, and now it is a whole day – 24 hours,” Chris Oyakhilome said at the opening of the prayer day.
During the event, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Pastor Benny Hinn and other Christ Embassy ministers preached for 24 hours.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome also emphasized the importance of praying on that day.
“The reason why He invited us to pray is because He intended to answer. Jesus taught us how to pray. From the scriptures, we learn about prayer. Prayer by the prophets, prayer by the apostles of Jesus. Prayer is not a sign of weakness. Prayer is our faith talking to God,” he said.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome stressed the importance of praying again at his Global Days of Prayer in September and December.
“In the presence of God in prayer, your faith rises. It rises to the surface. It rises to the top. What you thought was impossible… When you are in the place of prayer, it suddenly becomes possible to you. Your boldness stands strong,” he said last week.