Today’s topic of “Rhapsody of Realities” by Pastor Chris
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has once again elaborated on today’s verse of his daily devotional, “Rhapsody of Realities.”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explains that “Rhapsody of Realities” is music from heaven.
“It is beyond a book; it is a global platform that gives you visibility. Rhapsody is a forerunner; it goes ahead of you to reach many. It is a compendium of amazing realities in a long poem, and it’ is all about one man whose name is Jesus.”
In this year, 2023, “the Year of the Prolific Church,” it is important to listen to the pastor’s words carefully and live by those words and keep on praying.
Pastor Chris on today’s topic: “Interceding for all men”
Here are some of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s wisdom for this special day.
He begins by quoting from 1st Timothy, chapter 2 from verses 1-2:
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome says: “The scripture above outlines the kinds of prayers that we should pray for all men, such as ‘supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.’ We must pray like this, and oftentimes, with fasting, so that God’s purpose is to have the mass of humanity come to Christ will be actualized.”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome goes on by saying that all men, including leaders, should be saved, according to the Bible.
“This is the day of His grace and His salvation. Therefore, in prayer, present that argument; the Bible says, ‘the grace of God that brings salvation has been made available to all men’ (Titus 2:11). In Christ, salvation has already been wrought for every man. But, we know what keeps people in darkness,” the pastor says.
“Pray that every resistance is removed”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome further elaborates on today’s rhapsody by saying: “The Bible says, ‘But if our gospel be hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, least the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.’ (2 Corinthians 4:3-4)”
He explains that “Satan is the one who has blinded the minds of men so they would not believe the gospel; he is the reason some will so anything to resist the message of the gospel. But in prayer, you break his hold and influence over men’s lives.”
“Always take out time to intercede passionately for those in your world who have not yet known the Lord. Pray that every resistance is removed for them to receive the truth with understanding and embrace the word of God for their salvation. Also, pray for leaders, that they will have the will, desire and boldness to do what is right and refuse to yield to corruption and negative influences,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explains.
He finishes the rhapsody by saying: “Prophesy often that peace prevails in the cities, towns and nations of the world, and the gospel has free course where you live and work.”